test MGM: Readers: The Pink Panther (Book only) - A2

MGM: Readers: The Pink Panther (Book only) - A2

MGM: Readers: The Pink Panther (Book only) - A2
MGM: Readers: The Pink Panther (Book only) - A2
5,95 €

Fiche d'information

9781904720744 - 1528
48 - 1528
14-11-2006 - 1528
Anglais - 1528
English (Langue étrangère) - 1528
Niveau de langue: A2 - 1528
Général , Technique , Professionnel , Artistique , blo , Spécial aso, tso, bso, kso, blo, buso - 1528
Fictie/Fictie - 1528
MGM Readers Level A2 - 1528

La collection

A series of contemporary film and TV adaptations, original teenage fiction, classic literature and biographies. Specifically targeted at teenagers learning English, they are published at five levels following a carefully graded syllabus.

Level A2 features 1,000 headwords (story: up to 7,000 words).

Sample language for Level 2 Readers includes: present perfect, will future, past continuous, zero conditional, defining relative clauses not embedded, reflexive pronouns ...