test MGM: Readers: Billy Elliot (+ CD) - A1

MGM: Readers: Billy Elliot (+ CD) - A1


Billy Elliot is 11 years old and he's got problems! His dad is giving him money for weekly boxing lessons but Billy has discovered a talent for ballet, and is secretly attending dance classes. His teacher encourages him to do audition for a London ballet school, but how will his family react?


MGM: Readers: Billy Elliot (+ CD) - A1
MGM: Readers: Billy Elliot (+ CD) - A1
9,95 €

Fiche d'information

9781904720355 - 1298
40 - 1298
28-07-2015 - 1298
Anglais - 1298
English (Langue étrangère) - 1298
1re année sec. , 2e année sec. , 3e année sec. , 4e année sec. , 5e année sec. , 6e année sec. - 1298
Général aso - 1298
Fictie/Fictie , Audio-cd - 1298
MGM Readers Level A1 - 1298

La collection

A series of contemporary film and TV adaptations, original teenage fiction, classic literature and biographies. Specifically targeted at teenagers learning English, they are published at five levels following a carefully graded syllabus.

Level A1 features 600 headwords (story: up to 4,000 words).

Sample language for Level 1 Readers includes: past simple and common irregular pasts, going to future, regular comparatives and superlatives, would like + noun ...

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