test MGM: Readers: Monster House (+ CD) - A1

MGM: Readers: Monster House (+ CD) - A1


It's Halloween but DJ doesn't want to go trick-or-treating. He wants to spy on the house across the road because he's convinced it's alive. DJ and his friends discover that the house is eating things and people. When the police don't believe them, they attempt to solve the mystery of the 'monster house' on their own.

MGM: Readers: Monster House (+ CD) - A1
MGM: Readers: Monster House (+ CD) - A1
9,95 €

Fiche d'information

9781904720898 - 1543
32 - 1543
04-05-2007 - 1543
Anglais - 1543
English (Langue étrangère) - 1543
1re année sec. , 2e année sec. , 3e année sec. , 4e année sec. , 5e année sec. , 6e année sec. - 1543
Fictie/Fictie , Audio-cd - 1543
MGM Readers Level A1 - 1543

La collection

A series of contemporary film and TV adaptations, original teenage fiction, classic literature and biographies. Specifically targeted at teenagers learning English, they are published at five levels following a carefully graded syllabus.

Level A1 features 600 headwords (story: up to 4,000 words).

Sample language for Level 1 Readers includes: past simple and common irregular pasts, going to future, regular comparatives and superlatives, would like + noun ...

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